Find the right investors
Whether you are looking to fundraise, co-invest, prepare an exit or simply understand who's in the VC space, Dealroom provides reliable data about the global investment community.
Here are a few examples of how Dealroom can add value to your work:
Search the most comprehensive database of venture and growth capital investors
Search investors based on your specific criteria and easily filter your results.
- Access over 120,000 investors from seed stage angels to big private equity firms
- Narrow down your search based on specific criteria
- Understand each investor’s strategy

Use the investor matching tool
The matching tool helps you connect with the most relevant investors who are likely to be interested in your profile.
- Learn about investors focusing on your sector
- Build a list of investors most likely to be interested in you
- Match with a relevant investor based on your criteria

Analyze investment strategies & performance
Assess investors based on their performance, focus or strategy:
- Analyze investor portfolios, investment rounds, and exits
- Review portfolio composition: stages, country, industry, round sizes
- Access fund size, LPs, AUM, and more

Visualize macro-developments with investment heatmaps
Identify trends with investment heatmaps allowing you to track market developments and visualise data:
- Analyse by location, (sub)industry, business model, or theme
- Visualise macro-developments of the market with heatmaps
- Click on each amount to see the underlying rounds
- Create a data-driven culture in your organisation

A solution with global coverage
With data on 2M+ companies globally and 120,000+ investors, Dealroom provides reliable data about the global investment community
Access the most comprehensive database of startups & scaleups
Global data coverage includes:
- 2.5M+ companies globally
- 2.1M+ startups and 640K+ rounds
- 150K+ investors and 605K+ people
- 100+ data points on each company
- And more
Up to 2.5x more data on European venture capital rounds
What’s driving the superior data coverage:
- Founded in Europe, with a vast network in the ecosystem
- We work directly with top governments in Europe, North America, Asia, and Australia and trade registers around the globe
- The vast majority of top-tier VC investors are clients and contribute
Trusted by the biggest names in tech & venture capital
Dealroom works with many of the world's most prominent investors, entrepreneurs, corporations, and government organizations to provide transparency, analysis, and insights on venture capital activity around the world.
“Dealroom is a trusted source for intelligence on high-growth companies in Europe. We made extensive use of both their data and in-depth analytical support during the preparation of our State of European Tech report. And hope to continue to do so for years to come.”
“I’ve checked a lot of databases like CrunchBase, PitchBook, and Dealroom. And I really feel that for the European markets, you have the best coverage and the most intuitive platform to find the startup data. Dealroom is the best choice for investors.”
Products & Services
As our client, you can use one or more of our products and services to gain valuable insights into your market.
Global Data Platform
The most comprehensive database on startups, growth companies, and tech ecosystems in Europe and around the world
Ecosystem Platform
Measure and promote your ecosystem with your own dedicated startup database
Make data your competitive advantage
Access the most comprehensive database of startups, growth companies, and investors around the world, trusted by the biggest names in tech and venture capital.