302 results for: investors

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    Service-as-a-Software (yes, the other way around)

    31 May, 2014

    10 years in banking motivated us to rethink the corporate finance service model and the way it is best delivered. We like to call it: Service-as-a-Software (yes, the other…

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    Service-as-a-Software (yes, the other way around)
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    Nassim Taleb’s anti-fragility concept in private equity situations

    18 February, 2014

    Private equity investors and lending banks are fond of subscription businesses because they provide more “stable and predictable” cash flow. I once worked on a buyout deal where the…

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    Nassim Taleb’s anti-fragility concept in private equity situations
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    How to get competitive venture debt terms

    4 February, 2014

    On dealroom.co you can find a list of European venture loan providers that actively provide loans to tech companies. In a recent post we already wrote about the…

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    How to get competitive venture debt terms
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    Proprietary deal-flow isn’t dead and for good reason

    3 December, 2013

    Recent talk on blogs and in VC circles have created a false impression that ‘the end is nigh’ for so called proprietary deal-flow. Venture capital could finally transform into…

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    Proprietary deal-flow isn’t dead and for good reason
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    The big shift in tech funding

    1 December, 2013

    A recent post showed a seed capital breakdown by source. It suggested that personal savings, friends & family and loans are still the dominant sources of funding…

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    The big shift in tech funding
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    Over 80% of companies on Dealroom.co are NOT fundraising

    6 November, 2013

    So you might wonder, what are these companies doing on Dealroom.co? They are just there passively gathering a growing group of tech investors who track the company to receive…

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    Over 80% of companies on Dealroom.co are NOT fundraising
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    How to promote your fundraising campaign (for startups)

    27 October, 2013

    Are you a startup using Dealroom for fundraising? Then this article has some basic but important points about how to use Dealroom to your advantage. Make sure your company…

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    How to promote your fundraising campaign (for startups)
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    Venture capital vs. public stock markets

    25 October, 2013

    The following chart should be familiar to most of the audience by now. It shows that venture capital performance on a whole has been abysmal. There are notable exceptions of…

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    Venture capital vs. public stock markets