487 results for: companies

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    VCs still mostly use low-tech tools to manage their deal-flow

    15 November, 2013

    The dealroom.co presentation we gave at the NOAH Conference on November 13 can be viewed online here via Slideshare VC’s still mostly use low-tech tools to discover new companies…

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    VCs still mostly use low-tech tools to manage their deal-flow
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    Some stats about last week’s launch

    27 October, 2013

    Naturally many people asked us how last week’s launch went. So here are some initial stats. Since Wednesday 23 October we saw 1,624 unique visitors, spending on average 4:47 minutes…

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    Some stats about last week’s launch
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    How to promote your fundraising campaign (for startups)

    27 October, 2013

    Are you a startup using Dealroom for fundraising? Then this article has some basic but important points about how to use Dealroom to your advantage. Make sure your company…

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    How to promote your fundraising campaign (for startups)
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    What tech investors are looking for these days

    26 October, 2013

    Here are some statistics that I think are interesting about what investors on Dealroom are looking for in terms of growth stage, sector, and revenue model. The below chart compares…

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    What tech investors are looking for these days
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    Venture capital vs. public stock markets

    25 October, 2013

    The following chart should be familiar to most of the audience by now. It shows that venture capital performance on a whole has been abysmal. There are notable exceptions of…

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    Venture capital vs. public stock markets
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    The numbers game in the Venture Capital industry

    24 October, 2013

    Most venture capital firms typically employ a “deal funnel” that more or less looks as follows (see image below). Basically, VCs are trying to maximise…

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    The numbers game in the Venture Capital industry
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    Welcome to the new dealroom.co

    22 October, 2013

    For almost 10 years, I experienced first-hand the challenges in corporate finance intermediation that many of you will readily identify with. Much time is spent (and often wasted) on…

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    Welcome to the new dealroom.co