487 results for: companies

  • Education

    Edtech exits are dropping out

    18 August, 2022

    Prior to 2021, Edtech was characterized by a lack of exits. In 2021, we witnessed a flurry of sizeable Edtech exits. A sector once renowned for sluggish exit opportunities appeared…

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    Edtech exits are dropping out
  • Europe

    Benchmarking European tech ecosystems in 2022

    12 August, 2022

    The UK, Germany, France, Netherlands. These countries consistently come out on top out of European tech ecosystems for the big stats – funding, unicorn creation, and ecosystem value.

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    Benchmarking European tech ecosystems in 2022
  • Health

    Treating eating disorders with tech

    12 August, 2022

    Eating disorders are complex brain disorders with strong genetic, neurobiological and psychological underpinnings. These often can be hidden by anxiety disorders, depression, OCD, PTSD, and substance use disorder. According to…

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    Treating eating disorders with tech
  • Blog

    Introducing Dealroom Signal Top 100

    10 August, 2022

    In the last several months we rolled out a significant new platform feature: Dealroom Signal. Dealroom Signal is a unique predictive algorithm to discover…

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    Introducing Dealroom Signal Top 100
  • United States

    Austin is home to 20 unicorns, with more in the paddock

    3 August, 2022

    America’s 11th-largest city, Austin, Texas might very well be the country’s next hotbed for tech: Tesla has recently filed with the city to expand their Gigafactory, the new…

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    Austin is home to 20 unicorns, with more in the paddock
  • Page

    Dealroom Signal

    – Find similar companies and deals – Get details on individual funding rounds and exits – Easily create aggregate reports on specific markets…

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    Dealroom Signal
  • Marketplaces

    How online marketplaces fared in H1 2022

    1 August, 2022

    Online Marketplaces have managed to stay afloat in spite of a slowing market. Funding, combined enterprise value, and unicorn creation slowed down, but numbers remained above pre-pandemic records. And while…

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    How online marketplaces fared in H1 2022
  • Health

    Healthtech Q2 2022: keeping up the pace

    28 July, 2022

    Global healthtech VC in Q2 fell short year-on-year, but is still on track to outpace funding in 2020. Read up on how the health space fared in the latest quarter…

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    Healthtech Q2 2022: keeping up the pace
  • Marketplaces

    Recruitment marketplaces

    27 July, 2022

    The US and Europe have reached a historically high level of job openings and low levels of unemployment. Companies have to focus on not only streamlining their hiring process and…

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    Recruitment marketplaces
  • Fintech

    Fintech Q2 2022 report: fintech is retreating

    26 July, 2022

    Fintech is in a considerable slowdown. Funding has decreased greatly, especially at late stage; exits value and count have fallen. Also, unicorn creation is slowing down to pre-pandemic levels. We’ve…

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    Fintech Q2 2022 report: fintech is retreating