Number of active unique investors in Europe

Dealroom’s database contains over 17,500 investment funds and other professional investors. But how many of those are actively investing in European tech each year? We analysed Dealroom data to find out.
The number of unique active investors in European tech companies grew over 3x in the past 4-5 years, from 758 in 2012 to 2,484 so far in 2017. That’s 31% annual growth. Growth was roughly similar across all investor types: funds, corporates, and “other” which includes angels, crowdfunding platforms and accelerators participating in rounds.
By comparison, the amount of venture capital invested and the number of VC rounds grew roughly 3.5x during the same period.
2017 is on track to accelerate growth in number of unique active investors. This acceleration is driven mostly by an increase in active angel investors in 2017. Dealroom estimates that for the full year 2017, the number of unique active investors could approach or even top 4,000.
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Report - Active venture capital investors in Europe