Introduction to Austin

Our community offers a distinct way of life, nurtures a deep talent pool, fosters an innovation culture, and boasts an impressive economic profile. But you might be wondering, “Why Austin?” The answer lies in the unique blend of opportunities and experiences that make this region a one-of-a-kind place.

  • Quality of Life
  • Deep Talent Pool
  • Innovation Culture 
  • Economic Profile 

Using the Austin Ecosystem Platform: 

Claim your profile

All users, be sure to claim a profile, and log-in! This is a free, open-access platform. 

The Austin Ecosystem Platform, formed by Opportunity Austin and is the only digital platform that has inventoried the entire start-up ecosystem of the Austin Region. Over 4,300+ startups, and 5,100+ rounds of funding tracked in an interactive platform with real-time data, news, and funding updates. 

Fun Facts: The Ecosystem receives traffic from all over the world:

  • Visitors from 18+ Countries, 57 International Regions 
  • Average of 20% investor traffic, with all-time traffic heights at 42% investor traffic
  • Over 10,000 Sessions since inception  

How To Use the Ecosystem Platform  

Opportunity Austin alongside investors, talent, educational institutions, research centers, and ecosystem builders depend on trusted high-quality data. Armed with high quality intelligence, we can ensure our regional innovation community continues to thrive.” – Roland Peña, SVP of Global Investment and Innovation, Opportunity Austin.

This platform tool is intended to spur engagement, inclusion, and relevance to our startups and the ecosystem assets by providing access to dozens of features. 

General Information

Explore Austin’s vibrant startup ecosystem holistically: Discover interactive funding round data, valuations, company-specific statistics & insights, major deals & news stories, and our regional universities’ impacts. 

Visit the UnicornsFunding Rounds, and Universities tab.

For Startups

Explore a comprehensive suite of tools tailored to the Austin startup ecosystem, including features such as filtering through active investors, accessing investment portfolio histories, understanding exits, discovering accelerators, evaluating corporate presence, exploring industries, and utilizing a matching tool to connect with suitable investors based on specific criteria.

           Visit the InvestorsFunding roundsExitsAccelerators

           WorkspacesService Providers, and Matching tool tab. 

For Investors

Access a wealth of resources including a comprehensive database of over 4,300 local startups and scale-ups, interactive funding round data charts to analyze the funding landscape, insights into successful exits crucial for ecosystem growth, and a detailed overview of industries shaping the region’s entrepreneurial landscape.

Visit the Startups & Scale-upsUnicornsFunding RoundsExitsCurated Content, Industry Verticals, InvestorsLPs, and Investment Heatmaps tab. 

For Job Seekers

Interested in finding a job at an Austin-based startup, scale-up, or corporate company? Utilize the job board to filter the types of industries that you are interested in working in. 

Visit the Job Board and Startups and Scale-ups tab. 

Opportunity Austin: 

Opportunity Austin is the regional economic partnership fostering innovation, investment, workforce development, and livability across the Austin region. Harnessing the region’s unrivaled economic momentum, our mission is to be a force multiplier for businesses that share our drive for enduring prosperity.

  • Over 300 corporate and community partners participate in Opportunity Austin and share in the effort’s priorities to boost economic diversification and keep the greater Austin region attractive to entrepreneurs, business leaders and site selection professionals. To learn more about our investors, click here. 
  • 750,000 Jobs Created, $52 BN in Added Payroll, 827 New Companies Recruited, 1,537 Existing Companies Expanded, as a result of Opportunity Austin’s initiatives. 
  • Opportunity Austin 5.0 Supports Growth of the Austin Region in the following sectors: 
  1. Economic Development
  2. Workforce Development
  3. Global Investment & Innovation 
  4. Advocacy & Policy

Opportunity Austin is investing in this tool to continue to drive entrepreneurship in the Austin Region. If you are a startup or stakeholder involved and invested in seeing companies grow, please connect with: Roland Peña, SVP Global Investment & Innovation at [email protected]