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The United States, as a major player in the global venture capital landscape, has fostered a thriving ecosystem for startups and entrepreneurs.

With world renowned innovation hubs such as the Bay Area, New York City, and Boston, the US attracts a significant share of venture capital funding.

Explore over 100k funded startups and 1,500+ unicorns that have originated from the US directly on the Dealroom platform.

Venture Capital

By stage

Venture capital in the USA reached $149 billion in 2023, a 40% drop relative to 2022 and its lowest levels since 2017.

However, the investment rate has been fairly consistent over the last ten years when we exclude the years of 2021 and 2022.

Major metropolitan areas such as the Bay Area, Greater Boston, and New York City continue to make up much of the venture capital investment activity, driving roughly half of total investment in 2022.

Early stage

Access early-stage funding rounds into US startups here on the platform.

Breakout stage

Access breakout-stage funding rounds into US startups here on the platform.

Scaleup stage

Access scaleup-stage funding rounds into US startups here on the platform.

By state

The rise of new emerging states in terms of venture capital activity include Wyoming, Vermont, and Michigan to note a few.

Explore funding rounds into each of the US states by hovering over the state of interest or here on the platform.

By city and area

Metro areas throughout the US have doubled at minimum in investment growth over the past five years.

The top three startup hubs that experienced the most growth in just the past year include Jacksonville, New Haven, and Pittsburgh.

By industry

The top three US industries for VC investment have been Health, Enterprise software, and Fintech in the last five years.

Explore VC investment by industry into the US here on the Dealroom platform.

By leading segments

Explore below the leading tech segments for VC investment in the US in 2024.


In the last four years, unicorn hotspots have included states such as Florida, Texas, and New York.

Explore all US unicorn data here on the Dealroom platform.

Emerging cities

Early-stage investment growth can be seen throughout the US with a concentration of cities within the Midwest and East Coast regions experiencing some of the fastest rates of growth over the past few years.

Explore emerging US cities and early stage investment rounds into the US by destination hub here.


City level benchmarking

The US is home to some of the largest city startup ecosystems such as the Bay Area, San Francisco, New York amongst many others.

Explore below or here on the Dealroom platform how these compare to other city hubs worldwide.

International benchmarking

Compare the US startup ecosystem across different metrics against it's continental and global startup ecosystem counterparts here on the Dealroom platform.

Related Content

  • Dealroom data: Explore all funded companies in the US
  • Dealroom data: Explore all funding rounds in US startups
  • Taxonomy: Learn how Dealroom defines its entities, taxonomy, filters and more here
  • Reports: Explore all the Dealroom reports about the USA